Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Favorite Moz Church

I know that there isn't any audio to this video... I don't have a high-tech camera. This was my absolute favorite church experience in Mozambique. Erica Snyder took us to her home church. It was a pretty long bus ride out to get there. We also had to walk behind all the big buildings on the main road and walk through peoples yards or alleys to get there. It was funny to see people in their natural routines of the day and see their faces totally shocked to see a white person walking through their back pathway. Now these people don't really have yards. There are tiny houses with dirt paths between them and they are kind of a no mans land, everyone is free to walk through. Unlike in America, if I was some stranger walking through my backyard I might hide in my room with my cell phone. It was also funny to see all the NON church goes. They just hang out in the shade eating chamusa and drinking tea. This is a Chanusa.......
In my neighborhood those people would be jogging around the block in order to fit in their favorite jeans, or out in their yards fertilizing and mowing their lawns. I must say that Mozambicans have the better idea sitting around eating fried food rather than using physical energy to make something nonessential "better"

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