Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Semester wrap up...

As this semester is about to end I would like to reflect upon all the reflections I have written. Reflections had always been an enjoyable experience. I love talking, writing is no different. Pouring over everything I learned through class lectures and observations were once fun. Now I feel like there is nothing new coming out of me. I have not witnessed anything new from my observations. They ask the same questions, telling me the same answers. I can only repeat myself so many times in so many different ways.
I am burnt out and I'm not finished. My longest project is due Monday. I feel like everything I have written in the past week sounded as if a 3rd grader wrote it. My brian has been overloaded with paying attention. I can't do it anymore. No more paying attention, if this carries over and it seems like I am ignoring you, I am. But not on purpose.
I'm supposed to me writing a paper right now, whoops.

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