Monday, May 24, 2010

Manic Monday

I don't know what word other than overwhelmed to use to explain how I feel right now. I leave early Sunday morning. The whole "packing and being in another country for six weeks" thing isn't what's weighing me down. Thats the easy stuff. I'm Soooo excited to go on this trip. I am so ready to just go. All the implications of what this trip will mean in the end is what's on my mind. Missions is something that I have always been open to. That, I'm not afraid of. I'm not even really afraid. I guess I'm just anxious to see how this trip works out, and how the rest of my life will follow. I'm not expecting this trip to be God's only word on the subject of going into missions when I "grow up." I'm not foolish enough to think, if this is harder than I thought then I shouldn't pursue missions work later on. I'm just a bit of a control freak and would like to know now.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to the control freak thing all too well. Something to be thankful for is finding out that you need God's Amazing Grace now when you're young will save you the years of avoiding God's call on your life because of the ridiculous notion that God can be trusted only for salvation.... But the really important day-to-day of life is better in my capable hands! Sounds absurd as I type, yet it is one of the evil one's powerful deceptions... The corollary to "you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

    Sorry for the run-on thoughts!
